
Friday, August 31, 2012

Understanding A Higher Power

These come directly from my homework concerning the book, Life's Ultimate Questions by Ronald H. Nash.

The law of noncontradiction is this:  “A cannot be both B and non-B at the same time and in the same sense.”  This law of noncontradiction (as proposed through Aristotle) is important because, I feel, it’s the foundation of all modern logic.  If anyone claims to believe in modern logic, and even goes as far as to use modern logic to prove or disprove the existence of God or their sway in the theological mindset, then this law of noncontradiction must not be broken.  If this fundamental law is broken, their logic is flawed.  
Personally, I believe that most of God, or simply a higher power or being, falls and operates within the realms of human logic.  If one is to claim a universal moral standard, the question can be raised on where that moral standard came from.  As far as God using the law of noncontradiction Himself, I would argue that He does.  If God did not use the law of noncontradiction, then there would be no classification of good or evil, for example, because the absence of that law would argue for double standards (which God does not reside within).  God wishes to make Himself known to people and to use any way of revelation that no human can possibly fathom or understand would be contradictory to His person.  God is not completely outside the realm of our understanding.  There are parts of God that we cannot fully begin to understand, but to say that there are parts of God that we can begin to comprehend proves that God resides within the boundaries of the logic within our minds.


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