
Monday, January 16, 2012

I'm still alive?!

Yeah, I know it's been like forever since I've posted a blog, but I want to get back into it.  God is doing some incredible things in my life that I can't wait to get down on paper (rather, a blog) and share with you guys.  Also, I really like writing, and just want to continue to grow and stretch my imagination and refine my skills, which are rudimentary at best.  I promise this site will see more action in the upcoming weeks, especially once I work up the courage and motivation to actually get a strict schedule going.  Right now work is pretty slow and I'm faced with a lot of free time which I'm not handling as well as I should.  I like to be busy and have things to do, and when I don't and I have a lot of free time I don't know how to handle it other than be incredibly lazy and unmotivated.  It's one of the battles I have to face and conquer.  With that said, school starts next week and I'll have a lot more structure to my life.  Pray that I use that structure to my benefit. 
Anyway, yeah.

Prayer requests:
  • Continued direction and wisdom concerning the future and college choices.  
  • More clarity regarding a recent opportunity for street ministry in Harrisburg
Praise Reports:
  • As of tomorrow I will have made it three weeks in my continued battle with impurities of the flesh.  Praise the Lord that I'm getting back on track and starting to stand up to temptation.
  • God is answering prayers and making known a path to my life by closing doors and opening others.  Woohoo, future!


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