Scripture Matthew 5:48, “Be perfect therefore as your
heavenly Father is perfect.”
This verse, and those like it, has always gotten to me. Definitely in some good ways, but also in
some bad. This is one of those classical,
“What does He mean when He says this?” verses.
In reality, Jesus was the only perfect person that ever graced the
earth. Simply put: He was God.
Duh. In no way can we ever
measure up to that. In this verse, Jesus
isn’t telling us as Christians to be perfect like He was and if we’re not we’ll
be damned forever, but to strive for perfection. Moreso, to look at Him as an example as to
what it means to live a holy life and follow that example in our own lives. In this verse, Jesus is setting the bar high
for us. He’s saying, “Look at my life. This is how I want you to live.”
So looking at my own life in retrospect, am I living the way
Jesus would live? Am I walking the way
Jesus would have walked? Am I saying
things that He would have said? Am I
doing things He would have done? And if
not, then I need to do some serious questioning of myself. Jesus called us to be different, holy, and
set apart. And to not live a life that’s
tied down to the world. To live a life
that if you’re called to drop everything and move to Africa, that you’d do it
and trust God in that. A life that your
job is not as important as your faith and you don’t compromise the two. I know that I still have a long road ahead of
me, but that’s part of learning. I know
that I’m miles from where God would want me to be, but I’m still growing.
Where are you?
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