Scripture: Matthew 4:3-4, "The tempter came to him and said, 'If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.' Jesus answered, 'It is written: Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'"
Over the past week or so, I've been continually reminded by some circumstances in my own life how God needs to be the rock that we stand on and nothing else. If we rely on something in our own life to give us comfort, joy, health, and peace, then when that thing fails (and believe me, it will fail) who will we turn to? Who will provide that reassurance of security when everything else is gone? It's at this place that this verse speaks to me the most. In my mind, Jesus is saying, "Man does not live on human constructs alone, but on a heavenly way of thinking." As the old hymn goes, "Our hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness." People will fail. Jobs will be fickle. Relationships come and go. Schooling may sometimes fall apart. The government is corrupt. Money is a false sense of security in today's economy. Physical conditions can change for a lifetime in a fraction of a second. Life can be taken away before we even live. There is nothing, absolutely nothing in this world that will consistently fill you with hope, never let you down, always build you up, give you security in who you are, and bring unending joy into your life. Yet how much stock do we put into this world? How much work do we put into this world as compared to what we put into the next?
So here's my chant. This is my vow. I'm sick of this life. I'm sick of looking for fulfillment in this world. I'm sick of falling to temptation for a brief moment of clarity when I could have eternal peace. I'm sick of relying on others to tell me who I am. I'm sick of the facade of comfort that relationships bring me. I'm sick of money. I'm sick of school. I'm sick of politics. I'm sick of wealth. I'm sick of gluttony. I'm sick of laziness. I'm sick of the bigotry, the lying, the two-faced people that I see around me. I'm sick of struggle and sick of pain. Let's stop wasting our time on the "bread" of this world and let's start living on the very breath of God, because from that breath came mountains and skies and trees. That breath of God created this world and spoke words that still whisper on over 2,000 years later. I am not of this world. This world is not my home.
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